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On this page you can find all of our contact details and relevant information. You can use the contact form on this page to send your message directly to our inbox and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also use the email address or phone number at the top to get in touch with us. Our professional sales and support team is always eager to help with any sort of inquiries you might have. Please do keep in mind that our opening hours in Amsterdam are in Central European Time.

Our Area Sales Managers

We also have a couple of colleagues in the field that are situated around the world, for instance in Italy, Germany, India and in the Middle East. These area sales managers would be able to visit certain locations if this is required or if this is desired. If so, you can get in touch with our individual area sales managers by clicking the text at the top and sending them either an email directly to their personal inbox or giving them a call right away.

Anamet Europe B.V.

Galwin 5
NL-1046 AW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce: 33060401
VAT registration number: NL001442429B01

Bank account details

ING Bank N.V.
Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam


EUR: NL74INGB0002252289
USD: NL07INGB0020136706
GBP: NL38INGB0020136730

Contact form

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Anamet Europe B.V.
Galwin 5
NL-1046 AW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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